All recordings are from workshops and retreats of Don Bisson. Workshops are 2 to 5 hours, and the Intensives are 5 to 8 hours.
Recordings come in three formats: CDs by mail, and downloadable MP3 and M4B-audiobook formats. All three formats contain the same audio content. Downloads are available immediately after purchase. The downloadable formats may be for you if you play your audio recordings on your computer or mobile device. See format details and tutorials below.
Back cover image.
When viewing an item on our Store, clicking on the back cover image will enlarge to show all of the track name topics that are included in the recording. Click again on the enlarged front or back cover image to open expanded view.
Read through all of our titles and topic descriptions on the Titles page.
More about our Downloads: MP3 and M4B-audiobook formats. Illustrations and Tutorials for playing & downloading.
Mobile devices: One of the ways for downloading and playing our recordings is with GoodReader, which you can get on the APP store. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions at 1-860-355-3311.
Downloading to Computer, MP3 and M4B formats: Once purchased, you have two download options – the file will be available for immediate download from a link on your Order Confirmation page shown on your browser, and you will also automatically receive an email containing the link to your download, which expires in 24 hours.
Click on the computer image below to go to computer download instructions.
All MP3 and M4B recordings: All content for digital downloads and CDs are the same. Most downloads are in tracks, as on the CDs, but in a few cases the tracks have been consolidated into sessions and each session contains the tracks that correlate to the morning, afternoon, or evening session of the workshop or retreat.
Quick Links:
MP3 Format: The audio files are downloaded in a ZIP file, containing multiple MP3 files in a folder/album.
The MP3 zip file can be downloaded to your computer, and unzipped (uncompressed). The MP3s may be played in most media players such as iTunes. Transferring from your computer to iPad or iPhone via iTunes will place the MP3 recordings in iTunes.
Click on the link below for more information and a tutorial of an MP3 in iTunes.
M4B-audiobook Format: This M4B format is a single file containing all of the tracks, with navigation features which allow the tracks to be selected from your media player controls, just as you would play a chapter in an audiobook.
The M4B can be downloaded to your computer and played as an audiobook in many mainstream media players such as Quicktime and iTunes. Transfer from your computer to iPad or iPhone via iTunes will place the M4B audiobook file in iBooks. In iBooks, track numbers appear in place of track names.
Click on the link below for more information and a tutorial on an M4B-audiobook in Quicktime.