About Don Bisson and his recordings:
Don Bisson's Audio CDs, and downloadable MP3 and M4B formats are available on our Store.
We first met Don when attending one of his workshops. His message resonated deeply within us, so we signed up for more, which subsequently lead to a partnership of recording his lectures to make them available to the public. The topics he covers, his background in Spiritual Direction, and his expertise in Jungian-Christian Dialogue have helped us and many others who have attended his live events or listened to these audio recordings. We hope that you find something here that resonates with you.
Play excerpt of the month and other audio tracks:
Excerpt above from "Angels: Agents of Transformation" Workshop#61
Excerpt above from "Mystery of Choice: Discerning the Call of God" Workshop#40
Excerpt above from "Solitude, Silence, and Sabbath" Workshop#2
MP3 audio download. Workshop. File size 180 MB.
TOPIC: Hope is not ego optimism. When the collective shadows are at their darkest point… that is when hope often stirs in the soul, recognizing the opportunity for birth. This Jungian-Christian workshop will contemplatively gaze into the mystery of social transformation through an encounter with transpersonal hope.